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Dr. Trevor Steinbach is not only a Civil War Medical Reenactor but has done extensive research on all four of the people that he portrays. His quest to research Dr. C.A. Bucher from his home town Batavia has taken over 10 years. The processes that he used and the data that he uncovered while research 4 Civil War Surgeons will both entertain and provide the audience with new resources.
Dr. Steinbach has been portraying Civil War medical officers since the early 1990’s. His current personas include Dr. James R.M. Gaskill from 17th Corps Field Hospital and Dr. Urban G. Owen from the Army of Tennessee Field Hospital. He has written a monthly column on Civil War Medicine for the Civil War Courier Magazine since 2003. He is a board member of the Society of Civil War Surgeons, the national organization for medical reenactors.
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