Local Resources
by Sandra Trapp
This program will provide suggestions for research opportunities at libraries, societies, educational facilities, archives and research centers.
Speaker: Sandra Trapp has presented programs for various genealogical organizations and libraries and has volunteered at the Naperville Family History Center since 2000. She has been researching her family, her husband’s, son-in-law’s and friends’ families for more than 20 years. Her primary areas of research include Italy, England, Pomerania, colonial New England and New York state. She has been a member of CAGGNI since 2010.
Zoom meeting info:
Link: us02web.zoom.us/j/85895968297?pwd=VEJmdm10UzkwVmMxa0VIcWYrY09SZz09
ID/Passcode: 858 9596 8297 / 278276
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