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Essential Resources for Jewish and Eastern European Genealogy

  • 19 Mar 2022
  • 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM (CDT)
  • Hybrid: Schaumburg Library or Virtual


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Essential Resources for Jewish and Eastern European Genealogy

by Alvin Holtzman has a wealth of resources for Jewish Genealogy, essential for people with Jewish and/or Eastern European antecedents. CAGGNI member Alvin Holtzman will help us get started with this research and instruct us on the multiple databases available, including the invaluable Town Finder, and point us where to find further finding aids as well.  

Speaker: Alvin Holtzman joined CAGGNI in 2019, attending most of our Program Meetings and many of our SIGs. Alvin has been researching his Jewish origins for many years and is expert in Jewish research.

Note: Alvin is a snowbirder and will be speaking remotely for this session.

In-person or Virtual: You get to choose!

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