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Specific writing prompts are announced a few weeks prior to each session. Alternatively, you may wish to share something else you’ve been working on. Please bring two copies for sharing.
Since the May meeting was cancelled, I'm repeating the story prompt from then.
The prompt: I’m stealing an Amy Johnson topic for our CAGGNI Storytellers’ meeting: “How Do You Spell That?”
The spelling of many surnames evolved both in Europe and in the colonies. Some, but certainly not all, of those variations can be blamed on Ellis Island records. Spelling variations also occurred in given names (including nick names) and in locations.
Choose a family name which has evolved. Use a descendancy chart to present the changes over time and, if possible, illustrate those changes in documents.
Here's a variation on the original prompt: Trace repeated given names in your family over multiple generations. Show the pattern(s) that was/were followed.
Facilitator: Marti Swanson
Guests: If you wish to join as a guest, please email storyteller @ or webmaster @
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