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Join CAGGNI on a Road Trip to the Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne Indiana!
The events includes:
• 2 days of research• Registration fee: $10 members / $15 guests• Pre-trip Workshop on Saturday, 8 September 2012 by CAGGNI• Library orientation tour by the ACPL staff• ACPL librarians available to assist researchers• Group rate of $95.00 plus tax per night at the HiltonCAGGNI will facilitate a dinner with the group on Friday at a restaurant within easy walking distance of the Library. Attendees are responsible for their own meal, drinks and tip.
All trip participants are responsible for:• making their own travel arrangements to Ft. Wayne• paying for their own meals, transportation, etc. • making their own hotel arrangements and paying for hotel accommodations (a limited number of rooms are available at this rate)• paying for their own copies, etc• CAGGNI will assist in room-share and car pool arrangements.• If you have questions contact
Please download and read the Allen County Road Trip Policies for more information.
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Copyright, Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois
CAGGNI, P.O. Box 59567, Schaumburg, IL 60159-0567 webmaster @