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CAGGNI's Storytellers group works on developing and polishing their family history writing. Specific writing prompts are announced a few weeks prior to each session. Alternatively, you may wish to share something else you’ve been working on. Please bring two copies for sharing.
May suggested topic: "How My Parents" Met OR "How My Grandparents Met"
Set the scene: When and where (include sensory details)? Who was present? Then tell about the "trigger," the event which set in motion all that was to follow. If appropriate, tell about the first date and/or courtship as well. If you like, you can conclude with information about the wedding.
SIG Lead: Marti Swanson
CAGGNI SIGs are for members only.
Meeting Style: The Storytellers SIG is a live-only offering. We meet in the Commons area at STDL on the main floor.
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Copyright, Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois
CAGGNI, P.O. Box 59567, Schaumburg, IL 60159-0567 webmaster @