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During our upcoming membership meeting on Saturday, October 20th, the membership will be voting on the following proposed resolution. Please take a moment to read this resolution and be prepared to vote during our next membership meeting.
WHEREAS each member of CAGGNI, whether an individual or joint membership, receives the same benefits from the society; and
WHEREAS CAGGNI strives for equity among its members; and
WHEREAS the cost of the society's operation is more reflective of the number of members rather than the number of households;
1. As of January 1, 2013, all new memberships will be Individual Memberships.
2. Existing Joint Memberships will be grandfathered and as long as the Joint Membership is annually renewed and will enjoy the discounted Joint Membership rate in effect as determined each year.
3. The Joint Membership dues will be increased by $5.00 annually until the Joint Membership rate is equal to two Individual Memberships. At this point, the Joint Membership category will cease to exist.
4. The Individual Membership dues for 2013 will continue to be $20.00
5. The Joint Membership dues for 2013 will be raised from $25.00 to $30.00
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Copyright, Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois
CAGGNI, P.O. Box 59567, Schaumburg, IL 60159-0567 webmaster @