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German Genealogy Sources Beyond the Basics

  • 15 Jun 2024
  • 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM
  • Hybrid, Arlington Heights Memorial Library Cardinal Room and Zoom


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German Genealogy Sources Beyond the Basics

by James Beidler

There are loads of resources for German genealogy both on the Internet and in helpful monographs, books, and full-blown series - have you heard of them all? Do you know how to use them? Jim Beidler gives you the best information on each of them!

James M. Beidler, known internationally as one of the top people in the field of German genealogy, has authored four commercially published books, including three on German family history. He's been executive director for Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania on two occasions, and was a reports editor for the globe-spanning research-for-hire firm Legacy Tree Genealogists for three years. Beidler also writes "Roots & Branches," a weekly newspaper column and blog (at, is a German Life magazine columnist, and editor emeritus of Der Kurier, the quarterly journal of the Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society.

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