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Colonial SIG - 10 May 2025
We can now access UK records documenting Colonial U.S. history from thecomfort of our homes. Previously, trips to the UK or delving into black binders full of finding aids were the only options. Diane will discuss several platforms – some directly available to consumers and some accessible via institutional affiliation – on how we can now access these important colonial documents.
Diane Richard has been providing professional genealogical services – research, lectures, and writing – since 2004. She is the longtime editor of the NC Genealogical Society Journal. She has authored 600+ articles and many talks about the availability and richness of underutilized, genealogically relevant records while providing research tips, techniques, tools, strategies, etc. She is co-owner of GenWebinars and Tar Heel Discoveries and VP of NC Historical Records Online (NCHRO).
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