Welcome to CAGGNI!SPECIAL ALERT - CAGGNI Events are now at a variety of library venues. In-person attendees should make note of the location of each event. March 15 Monthly CAGGNI Presentation:
by Debra M. Dudek
10:30 a.m. CT Saturday, 15 March 2025 Hybrid event – Zoom and Arlington Heights Memorial Library During America's great canal building boom, it was said that all you needed to build a canal was a pick, a shovel, a wheelbarrow, and an Irishman. Far from being lazy, unwashed, and underskilled, these new immigrants labored long hours, built churches, and created communities in and around the growing city of Chicago. Learn how to track down records on early Irish immigrant ancestors living and working in the Illinois and Michigan Canal zone located in Cook, DuPage, Will, and LaSalle counties from 1830-1850. Debra M. Dudek is the Adult and Teen Services Manager at the Fountaindale Public Library in Bolingbrook. She is generally awesome and enjoys snacks.
For more info and to register: Tracing Irish Immigrants in Illinois and Michigan Canal Records It's always a great time to join CAGGNI!Join now and you’ll enjoy all the perks of membership, including access to meeting handouts, videos, current and past newsletters, and the online meeting links to CAGGNI Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The program committee has produced an exciting lineup of presentations for 2025. Meetings in the coming year may be in-person only, online only or a combination of both (hybrid). Please note, non-members are charged a $5 guest fee for the Zoom link to regularly scheduled monthly meetings. Per library policy, any guest attending meetings in person at one of our host libraries will be welcome for no charge. Join CAGGNI | Upcoming Events
Need a handout from a meeting? Need the link to a Zoom meeting? |
CAGGNI (The Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois) is a group of amateur genealogists who are committed to effectively using technology and the internet in support of their research activities.
Monthly meeting topics cover a broad range of subjects of interest, including software, tools, techniques and methodologies. Additionally, monthly newsletters, support for computer and genealogy issues and internet surname exposure are among the benefits of membership.
A wide variety of genealogy software packages are used by the members as well online trees and database websites. We are also interested in personal websites, digital photography, handheld apps and other ways to share our family histories.
For questions about the group, comments and suggestions, contact secretary @ caggni.org. To report problems with the website, contact webmaster @ caggni.org.